Hate Crime: How to recognise and report it
Here are some tips on how to recognise and report hate crime yourself on and off-campus.
Recognising yourself: unconscious bias
Unconscious bias is common and can lead to prejudice. If you recognise this type of bias, there will be a greater chance of changing common stereotypical views in society and reduce the chances of hate crime.
Pyramid of hate
The pyramid of hate is an example of when jokes turn in to stereotypes, then prejudice, discrimination and violence.

Who to contact if you see or are a victim of hate crime at university
The Students Union have an app where there is a hate crime platform.
The Students Union Advice Centre: Advice@lincolnsu.com
Student Wellbeing Centre: Studentwellbeing@lincoln.ac.uk
University Security Team: 01522 886062
Who to contact if you see or are a victim of hate crime off-campus
The Students Union have an app where there is a hate crime platform.
Stop Hate UK:
24 hour helpline - 08001625​
Text relay: 0771989025 to report anonymously.
Report online at www.stophate.org
Emergency: police on 999
Non-Emergency: police on 199
More information to come...